Resources below are from external websites from government agencies, professional associations, other reliable websites, and local law enforcement agencies.
Quick Links to Case Law:
Bound Volumes of the U.S. Supreme Court
Case Law Access (CAP) Project from the Harvard Law School Library collection
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
FindLaw contains law cases, codes, & articles
FindLaw U.S. Supreme Court Opinion Summaries
LII Legal Information Institute by Cornell Law School
Office of the Law Revision Counsel: United State Code
Wex Legal Dictionary & Legal Encyclopedia by LII Legal Information Institute at Cornell Law School
Department of Homeland Security
Information about Careers, Cybercrime, Laws and Regulations etc.
This website defines forensic science to include listing the variety of disciplines. The sections include publications, uniform language for testimony, guidance on criminal discovery and code of professional responsibility.
A publication of the Police and Correctional Training Commissions providing an abridged version of the laws for Police Officers when working.
Federal agency that provide leadership and criminal justice services to federal, state, municipal, and international agencies and partners.
Access to Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) and Code of Maryland (laws).
Topics include evidence analysis and processing, science research and development, laboratory operations and technology
Visible Proofs: Forensic Views of the Body
History of forensic medicine containing information on case studies, technologies, biographies, and exhibit images.
The Innocence Project works to free the innocent, prevent wrongful convictions, and create fair, compassionate, and equitable systems of justice for everyone.
American Academy of Forensic Science
Membership based with a global multidisciplinary network of over 6,500 members offering conferences, research articles and career information.
The Fraternal Order of Police is the world’s largest organization of sworn law enforcement officers, with more than 364,000 members in more than 2,100 lodges. We are the voice of those who dedicate their lives to protecting and serving our communities.
Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists
The mission of MAAFS is to encourage the exchange and dissemination of ideas and information within the fields of recognized forensic sciences through improving contacts between persons and laboratories engaged in the forensic sciences.
The Maryland D.A.R.E. Officers' Association (M.D.O.A.) is a fraternal organization whose purpose is to provide a means to disseminate, share, advise and coordinate information which is beneficial and noteworthy to the operation of D.A.R.E. on a statewide basis.
Maryland Law Enforcement Officers Inc
Organization to secure a closer official and personal relationship among law enforcement officers throughout the state of Maryland.
Maryland Sheriff's Association
Committed to fostering the effectiveness of the Office of Sheriff through leadership, innovative practices, legislative initiatives, education and training.
Additional Forensic Science Professional Associations
Association of Firearm and Tool Mark Examiners
American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors
International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts
International Association for Identification
International Crime Scene Investigator’s Association
American Criminal Justice Association
National Criminal Justice Honor Society