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Business and Accounting : Websites

Website Resources

AmosWEB is Economics: Economics with a touch of Whimsy!

AmosWEB is an Internet-based resource of economics information offered by AmosWEB LLC.


More than 2,200 annual reports online. Includes most of the "Fortune 500" companies.

Better Business Bureau

This is the website where consumers can officially file a complaint against a business, as well as research what complaints were brought against specific companies.

Bloomberg BusinessWeek

Full-text articles from recent issues of Bloomberg BusinessWeek. The "Markets" section allows you to look up data on individual stocks.

Bureau of Economic Analysis (U.S. Department of Commerce)

Accurate and objective data about the U.S. economy.


Tips on starting and marketing a business, sample business and marketing plans, starting costs and cash flow calculators.

Currency Converter (sponsored by Oanda)

Exchange rates for over 160 currencies.

Economic Policy Institute

Research on Living Standards and Labor Markets; Government and the Economy; Trade & Globalization; Education; and Sustainable Economics.

FRED: Federal Reserve Economic Data

Download, graph, and track 61000 economic time series from 53 sources.

Harvard Business Review

A publication dedicated to improving the practice of management.


An online directory of U.S. manufacturers.

Maryland-based Websites and Associations


MACPA’s core mission is to help members CONNECT in strategic ways, PROTECT their professional interests, and ACHIEVE in their careers. Our membership benefits are tailored around those ideals.

Maryland Business Express

Resources to plan, start, manage and grow your business in Maryland.

Maryland Business Innovation Association

Maryland Business Innovation Association

MBIA provides programs and services to those who accelerate the expansion of innovation and economic development in Maryland. MBIA does this by breaking down barriers and silos, delivering opportunities for entrepreneurs and their supporters, and amplifying the story of innovation in Maryland.

Worcester's Economic Development Office

Located in Snow Hill Maryland, Worcester’s Economic Development Office serves business owners, employers and entrepreneurs throughout the county. Under the direction of the County Council and Administrator, the office develops partnerships and programs to support businesses on Maryland’s Coast. 

Maryland Open for Business

Information for current or aspiring business owners in Maryland. Information for entrepreneurs looking to grow their business.

Maryland Small Business Development Center

The Eastern Region of the Maryland Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is dedicated to helping establish and expand small businesses all over Maryland's Eastern Shore. 

Maryland Society of Accounting and Tax Professionals

Offers access to community events, educational resources, advocacy, online resources and business discounts

Salisbury-Wicomico Economic Development

Enhancing the socio-economic environment of Salisbury, Wicomico County and region through the preservation and creation of productive employment opportunities.


The American Accounting Association (AAA)

The American Accounting Association is the largest community of accountants in academia. Founded in 1916, we have a rich and reputable history built on leading-edge research and publications. 

American Economic Association

Established in 1885, the AEA is a non-profit, non-partisan, scholarly association dedicated to the discussion and publication of economics research. The Association supports established and prospective economists with a set of career-enhancing programs and services:

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)

The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants is the national professional organization of Certified Public Accountants in the United States, with more than 428,000 members in 130 countries

National Economic Association

The National Economic Association (NEA) was founded in 1969 as the Caucus of Black Economists to promote the professional lives of minorities within the profession. In addition to continuing its founding mission, the organization is particularly interested in producing and distributing knowledge of economic issues that are of exceptional interest to promoting economic growth among native and immigrant African Americans, Latinos, and other people of color.

World Economics Associations

The World Economics Association (WEA) was launched on May 16, 2011. It fills a gap in the international community of economists — the absence of a truly international, inclusive, pluralist, professional association.